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What are the highlights of Lijia international stamping, forging and sheet metal processing exhibition?

"Made in China 2025", China's first ten-year action program for implementing the manufacturing power strategy, aims at five major projects and ten key areas, and helps China's manufacturing industry to innovate, transform and upgrade.

German "industry 4.0", proposed by Germany in 2011, is intended to promote digital and intelligent manufacturing and lead a new round of industrial revolution.
The two countries' cooperation is the inevitable choice for the two manufacturing powers to comply with the tide of digitalization, the mutual learning and cooperation of advanced technologies, and the powerful combination of mutual benefit and win-win results.

Work together to promote the digitalization process

Digitalization, recognized as an important feature and key driving factor of the next round of industrial revolution, has become one of the main trends affecting the world economy and society.

IMF president Christine Lagarde has called for every country to take action as the digital revolution is advancing. Jan mhozk, CEO of Siemens digital factory, said that digitalization has solved many problems faced by global industrial enterprises today, such as rapid launch to the market, production efficiency, flexible production, quality control and safety assurance, which is extremely important for industrial development. Bridget tsipris, the German Minister of economy and energy, believes that "whoever does not participate in the digital wave will fail".

In 2014, China and Germany jointly issued the China Germany cooperation action plan: CO shaping innovation, believing that the digitalization of industrial production is of great significance to the future economic development of China and Germany. Both sides believe that the process should be promoted by enterprises themselves, and the two governments should provide policy support for enterprises to participate in the process.

Shi Shiwei, a visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin and a Sino German economic and trade expert, said that the Chinese and German governments and business circles have broad consensus and strong desire to jointly promote digitalization. "Made in China 2025" and "industry 4.0" in Germany are just the strategic choices for the two countries to comply with the trend of digitalization. Although the manufacturing industries of the two countries are at different stages of development, and the digital content is also different, the two countries have strong complementarity in equipment manufacturing, machine tool and other industries, which is conducive to promoting practical cooperation.

Government co operation environment

The strategic docking cooperation between "made in China 2025" and German "industry 4.0" has a long history and is progressing smoothly.

At present, the Chinese Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of science and technology, the German Federal Ministry of economy and energy and the Federal Ministry of education and research have established a "industry 4.0" dialogue mechanism, and have successively signed memorandums of understanding and framework cooperation agreements to jointly promote the cooperative practice of the two countries in the field of intelligent manufacturing. The two countries have also started systematic and strategic cooperation in the field of "industry 4.0" international rules and standards, and built a number of cooperation demonstration projects to provide information and experience for more enterprises in the field of intelligent manufacturing between the two countries.

Dieter Kempf, chairman of the Federation of German industries, said that "made in China 2025" has created new opportunities for cooperation between Chinese and German enterprises. He believes that, compared with short-term promotion projects, the policy framework jointly operated by the two governments is more important for enterprise cooperation in the long run, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises that are highly dependent on it.

While committed to providing more favorable framework conditions and policy support, the Chinese and German governments have also strengthened their investment and support in R & D of intelligent manufacturing industry.

After two years of development, "made in China 2025" has achieved initial results in the implementation of five major projects. In terms of the construction of manufacturing innovation center, the first national power battery innovation center has been established, the national additive manufacturing innovation center has begun to be built, and governments at all levels have also invested and supported a lot in innovation and R & D. The German government also strongly supports "industry 4.0" scientific research. In addition to funding the research and development of key technologies, the government has also established technology centers around the country to provide free consultation and test "industry 4.0" technologies for enterprises to help them improve the speed of enterprise transformation and upgrading.

Shi Shiwei believes that upstream technology R & D is the premise to promote industrial revolution. There is great potential for cooperation between Chinese and German governments, industry associations and universities in R & D.

Enterprise Alliance for win-win

"Made in China 2025" and "industry 4.0" in Germany have contributed to the successful marriage of a large number of Chinese and German manufacturing enterprises.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, China's investment in Germany in 2016 was US $2.945 billion, an increase of 258.6% over the previous year, and the stock reached US $8.827 billion. In the same year, Germany added 392 new investment projects to China, with an investment of more than US $2.7 billion, a total of 9394 investment projects and an investment stock of US $28.18 billion.

In recent years, Huawei has cooperated with SAP to provide intelligent manufacturing solutions. Baosteel and Siemens have jointly explored "industry 4.0" in the iron and steel industry. Haier has cooperated with Fraunhofer Logistics Research Institute in Germany to build an intelligent Internet factory for washing machines in Tianjin. Midea Group has acquired German Treasury card robot company... A large number of Chinese and German manufacturing enterprises have been successfully connected. The cooperation field has been expanding and the level has been upgraded.

A few days ago, Bosch, the leading enterprise of "industry 4.0" in Germany, and Wanhe, the leader of China's water heater industry, established a joint venture to jointly build an electric water heater production base. Advanced technology integrates scale advantages, Chinese efficiency joins hands with German quality, and Bosch joins hands with Wanhe to add another successful case for the cooperation between "made in China 2025" and German "industry 4.0".

Wangweidong, Minister counsellor of the business office of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, said that the docking of "made in China 2025" and "industry 4.0" in Germany is a process of mutual learning and reference, and is a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Kempf said that in the process of independent selection based on mutual benefit and win-win results, the success rate of cooperation between Chinese and German industrial enterprises has been rising, "and the experience is very positive".

Peiyonggui, economic and commercial consul of the Chinese Consulate General in Munich, said that in the future, there is still a lot of room for cooperation between Chinese and German enterprises in the fields of high-end equipment, intelligent manufacturing, mobile Internet, Internet of things, cloud computing and big data.