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Remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of the the Belt and Road, and made in China welcomes development opportunities

With the promotion of the "the Belt and Road" construction, the "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum held in Beijing in May 2017 has achieved fruitful results. The list of results covers five categories: policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financing and people to people connectivity, with a total of 76 major items and more than 270 specific results.

Under the guidance of the "five links" goals (policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financing and people to people connectivity), it aims to achieve the orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets, and promote the formation of the "the Belt and Road" regional cooperation. At present, the "the Belt and Road" strategy is not only an important direction for China to implement the "going global" strategy, but also a development opportunity to promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

From the perspective of implementation, the "the Belt and Road" strategy has been deeply embedded in the national opening-up strategy.

The "the Belt and Road" strategy is the beginning of China's full integration into the global economy and its role as a mainstay in the global economy. The "five links" advocated by the "the Belt and Road" strategy have gone beyond the scope of free trade agreements and investment, not only trade and investment, but also widely involve civil aviation communication, inspection and quarantine, cultural exchange, scientific and technological innovation, press cooperation and other fields.

This has stimulated high enthusiasm for investment. Investment in the "the Belt and Road" has accelerated. From 2014 to 2016, China's investment in countries along the "the Belt and Road" has exceeded 50billion US dollars. In the next five years, it is expected that China's investment in the region will reach 150billion us dollars.

At present, as an open development strategy, the "the Belt and Road" strategy is rooted in the domestic industry to a new level. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the manufacturing industry into the construction of the "the Belt and Road" to bring development opportunities for the further development of China's manufacturing industry.

The first work direction for China's manufacturing industry to integrate into the "the Belt and Road" construction is to transfer excess capacity and turn the industrial burden of domestic heavy chemical industry into overseas high-quality capital.

At present, China's industry has completed the industrial development path of technology introduction, digestion and absorption to independent innovation, and has formed the international output capacity of the industry. At present, we should learn from the overseas investment experience of Japan and other developed countries, strive to rebuild "one China" overseas, speed up the distribution of capital and labor-intensive industries in the "the Belt and Road" region, and transform domestic surplus industrial projects into overseas industries, so as to extend China's industrial reach to the world and help domestic industries transform.

In terms of industry, world-class development achievements have been made in many fields such as industrial raw materials, machinery and construction engineering, which are in a highly saturated competitive state in China. With the promotion of the construction of the "the Belt and Road", the areas along the "the Belt and Road" have become important export places for China's industries to go global. At present, it is necessary to crack the risk of excess capacity relief in the "the Belt and Road" region.

First, policy risks in investment and construction.

Manufacturing projects have a large scale and a long construction cycle. Attention should be paid to the political stability and policy coherence of the host country. In particular, projects involving and led by state-owned enterprises need the high recognition and policy support of the host government. Because most countries / regions along the "the Belt and Road" are deeply involved in the "wrestling field" of big country game externally, while there are multiple contradictions such as leadership handover, democratization transformation and ethnic conflict internally.

Integration of China's manufacturing industry into the construction of the "the Belt and Road"

Previously, when some international enterprises made overseas investment, there were project failures caused by changes in the policies of the host country. For example, the Korean steel company POSCO withdrew its investment project with an annual production capacity of 6million tons in Karnataka, India, in july2013. Due to frequent changes in local land policies and iron ore mining policies, the project was delayed for as long as 8 years.

Second, the management risk of the operation link.

The multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi lingual and multi religious beliefs along the "the Belt and Road" pose a challenge to the enterprise's overseas project operation ability. At the present stage, enterprises pay more attention to the resources, market, direct cost, tax preference system, etc. in their investment investigation in the investment area, they do not pay enough attention to the "soft environment", and they do not have enough experience in dealing with emergencies such as labor relations and religious beliefs.

Third, environmental protection risks in the production process.

At present, the relevant environmental protection legal systems in the areas along the "the Belt and Road" are not perfect, and the business environment is yet to mature. The development environment and industrial level of most countries / regions are lower than that of China in 2000. Therefore, enterprises should be alert to the high cost risks in the process of gradually improving environmental protection policies, and avoid the continuous upgrading of environmental protection facilities and the encroachment of environmental protection investment on enterprise profits in recent years.

Secondly, the "made in China 2025" strategy and the "the Belt and Road" strategy should be interconnected to promote high-end equipment to go global.

In recent years, China's manufacturing industry has stepped up to a new level, with a number of star fields emerging, such as high-speed rail, nuclear power, engineering machinery, high-end marine engineering, making rapid progress in aerospace, satellite communications and other fields. The first flight of large domestic aircraft has been successful, and the Beidou satellite positioning system is being networked globally.

"Made in China 2025" is an important weapon for China to build the international competitiveness of manufacturing industry and an action program for leading and implementing the manufacturing power strategy, specifically including the construction project of manufacturing innovation center, strengthening infrastructure engineering, intelligent manufacturing engineering, green manufacturing engineering and high-end equipment innovation engineering. Through the implementation of the five major projects, China's manufacturing industry will be promoted to be in the forefront of the world, and the development of information technology, high-end CNC lathes, advanced rail transit and other ten key areas will be promoted.

The implementation of the "made in China 2025" strategy has great potential in the "the Belt and Road" region. It will promote international equipment manufacturing cooperation in high-speed railway, aerospace, power equipment, marine engineering and other fields, and strive for export markets and cooperative production opportunities in the "the Belt and Road" region. For example, the infrastructure level, mining technology of mineral resources, and communication interconnection technology in the "the Belt and Road" region need to be transformed and improved.

At present, China's equipment enterprises should speed up the search for cooperation opportunities under the "the Belt and Road" initiative to provide development space for China's growing high-end equipment, so as to speed up the improvement of the adaptability and image of China's high-end equipment in the international market, promote the transformation of Chinese manufacturing from product export to technology export, and then step up to a new level of the international industrial division pattern.

Thirdly, China's mature experience should be grafted into the "the Belt and Road" region, and industrial cooperation should be stimulated by the park economy.

Development experience shows that since China's reform and opening up, industrial parks have been an effective way to give play to the scale effect of investment, attract capital, technology, talents and information, and realize the agglomeration, scale and intensification of industrial development. According to statistics, as of March this year, Chinese enterprises have built 56 economic and trade cooperation industrial parks in 20 countries along the "the Belt and Road", with a cumulative investment of more than 18billion US dollars. At present, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of free trade zones in the "the Belt and Road" region and establish overseas economic cooperation parks.

At the policy level, accelerate the construction of free trade zones with countries around the "the Belt and Road", encourage local governments and industrial parks in China to establish pilot equivalent industrial parks with countries along the belt and road, and rely on the parks to export China's competitive products and industries.

At the operational level, we should combine China's capital and technological advantages with the urgent development requirements of the governments of the "the Belt and Road" region, encourage innovation in foreign investment and cooperation, and build overseas economic cooperation parks and domestic demonstration parks.

Therefore, with reference to the construction mode of Suzhou Industrial Park and other development forms, from the perspective of development concept, management mode, system, mechanism and talent team construction, China's industrial parks are encouraged to "go global" and carry out project cooperation relying on the industrial parks of countries along the "the Belt and Road". Finally, we will lay out the industrial chain around the value chain, and rely on the industrial chain to create a transnational industrial chain cooperation form of the park economy.